Laid Off!

Things have really not gone my way lately.

In September, I came back from traveling around Europe and got a job at Starbucks. They pay for their employees’ tuition, so I sucked it up and dawned the apron.

But it wasn’t working.
The school wouldn’t transfer my credits. I always got put on hold when talking to the admissions office. Talking to people at drive-thru is a private hell.

So, I decided to kick it over and do my own thing.

Six months ago, I had the idea for an adventure. Seven months abroad, traveling most of the year. I was going to make videos and posts while seeing as much of the world as I could. I had no backup plan and no reservations.

But… you know the rest.

So last week, Starbucks issued some legal phrases to their managers, telling them to let their employees know they were cutting staff.

We had three options: Stay with limited hours, Be laid off and return at their leisure, or take a payout and be mutually let go.

I took the money and ran.

Now it’s now, and I’m on my couch, trying to get my edge back. I plan to continue school in the fall, but for now I’d better get productive, somehow. I’d better find a way to pivot, fast.

More on that in later posts. Until then,

Stay Fun 🙂

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